The first challenge is just for fun, and it's all about making cards! You must take three (3) coordinating sheets of 12 x 12 scrapping paper and make as many cards out of them as you can. Then, once they are finished, get a pic or scanned image and upload them onto the thread on The twist? You have to save your trimmings, and also upload a pic of the trimmings. Just so we'll all know how good a scrapper you are!
I got this idea from one of the blogs I frequent, and when I tried to go back and find which one so I could give credit, I couldn't find it, but it's such a great idea!!! If it was your blog, leave me a comment and I'll post a link to it here!
Now, I'm not telling YET how many cards I made, but here are pics of some of them, along with a picture of my leftover trimmings. I took advantage of the opportunity and made Christmas cards to send to my friends, but you can do any kind of cards you want. What a great way to stock up on cards!!!

Now everyone get scrapping, and even if you aren't playing along on, I'd love to see your cards posted in my comments here! Have a great weekend everyone!!! Becky
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