First, sleep! Sound, restful, restoring SLEEP! I remember changing the channel at the end of Dancing With The Stars last night, but I don't remember what I changed it to! I remember getting up once to go potty and realizing hubby was in the bed, but I dont' know what time it was! Next thing I knew I was waking up, the bedroom was somewhat light (our bedroom is on the west end of the house, so the sun has to be up and at'em for the room to be very light), and I was instantly awake and up within 2-3 minutes of stretching and thinking over my day. It's so nice to get a nice, long, cozy nights sleep!
Second was knowing I don't have to leave this house today. I'm doing laundry, I've got to pick up the house and get ready for my friend coming for a play date on Friday, and I'll have to make dinner for hubby and I tonight, but I am here for the day, and that makes me happy.
My first official 'action' for EVERY day is to rouse the girls from their slumber and make them go outside. Then I go out, check the temp on my deck and stand and look out on 'our' woods. They aren't actually 'ours', but they reach down as far as you can see, and right now there are so many golds, yellows and oranges down in there that I had to stand there in the chill and give thanks for my home and the view behind it!
Then I grabbed my wake-up glass of OJ and headed for my play room. First off, check e-mails. One of my e-mails was from Deena, with a teaser saying she had a surprise for me on her blog, so I went to her blog and was so surprised (and extremely happy and thankful) to find she had given me my very first Blog Award - the Kreativ Blogger Award!!!!!

And one of the conditions of receiving this award is that you give it to 5 bloggers who inspire you and who have creative blogs, so here goes to my five:
I just love all the colors and textures she uses!
Her blog is 3 Dimensional Me, and her creations are so incredible, especially the multi-layered flowers!
Her creativity and enterprising spirit simply put, blow me away!
I first met Irene on where we shared our cards, but since then, she has become my teacher and friend! Follow the link and you will soon find out what an artist this young woman from Malaysia really is!
Her cards just amaze me, but then so does her wit and great outlook on life!
Ladies, please share this award with 5 of your favorite, most creative blogger friends!
Okay, back to the gratitude thing! Another thing I'm thankful for today is only 4 loads of laundry. Most week there are at least 5 or 6, but today it's just 4 - a special day!
And one last thing that I am grateful for - YOU! Whether you are a faithful follower, dearest friend, or just stumbled here via the web, I am most grateful that you made it here today and chose to read this long, rambling post.
Have a gratitude filled day my friends! Blessings, Becky
Thanks for the award Becky. You're so sweet! Hugs!
Well, now you've made my day brighter Becky! I'm so glad you like the award. I really do think you have a wonderfully creative new blog!
Wow thank you so much for the award :) It was really sweet of you and i am so flattered you chose me :)
What a wonderful surprise to have a blog award! Thank you so much for chosing me, I am truly humbled!
This was a lovely suprise this morning, thankyou so much for the lovely comment, have a great day.
Carole xx
Awww.. thanks so much! So glad you found my blog, and I in turn yours :) Have an awesome day!!
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