Unscripted Sketches is a sketch challenge blog that issues a new sketch each Saturday that many people will turn into a greeting card based on their own individual take on the sketch. My responsibilities will be to make a card based on each sketch and any 'bonus' challenges, and visit the blogs of card makers who enter their cards in the challenge and leave them encouraging comments about their cards.

In upcoming weeks I'll be getting to know the other team members, and learning all the ropes of the Unscripted Sketches organization. I hope to have my first card for the challenge on September 18th, so be sure and check back often! Life is so funny, and God is so good! I felt so good when I was preparing my application for this team, and every other time I have been so nervous and felt I wouldn't make that team.
I feel so blessed to be given this opportunity, and look forward to carrying out my duties with joy and a new level of creativity. Thanks for visiting today! Be back soon, Becky
Hi Becky,
So HAPPY for you and I think you should get PAID!!!
Enjoy your new path in life.
Deb :)
Congratulations! I can see why you were chosen. You're work is beautiful! I look forward to working with you on the US design team, and getting to know you better.
This is wonderful for you Becky, congratulations. This is really going to streach(sp)your imagination and you will love that!
Becky I am so very proud of you. You are one of the most talented women I know. I love your designs and am proud to give them as gifts. I can't wait to see yur new creations. love Gladys
Congratulations! I know you will love doing this. Sometimes unpaid "jobs" are the best - take it from a homeschool mama!
Woohoo! Way to go, Becky! I've got you all linked up for US and am now following! Can't wait to get to know you better!
Becky, I feel the same way. So excited to be chosen for the team. Now to finish fulfilling my dreams I hope to be published soon as well. Look forward to getting to know you better.
Hi Becky, Welcome to US, I am so happy to be "playing" with you. I have become a follower! Hugs,
DT Sister Marcy
Woot! Woot!!!!
Congratulations!!!! I'll for sure check this place out!!!!
Congrats on joining us at Unscripted Sketches. I look forward to getting to know you.
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